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Summer School  Information


Doors open at 9:45am. 9:45-10am will be used for registration and meet and greet. The children will be entering and leaving through the center's main entrance.

Please ensure that your child is on time in order to minimize disruption to the planned activities. 

Children who have requested for our Early Start may arrive between 8:50--9am (if agreed prior to the day).



The day session ends at 2pm. If you are struggling to collect your child by this time after care is available with Extra Time running until 3pm. This will start at 2pm, if your child has not been collected by 2.15pm we will assume they are attending Extra Time and the appropriate charges will be applied. Children may not leave unaccompanied.



Payment will need to be made at the beginning of the week in advance for all sessions your child will attending that week. This payment reserves your child’s place for the days you have booked. Payment can be made by cash, card or cheque or Bank Transfer. 

Empower Yourself

Sort Code: 04-06-05

Account Number: 16774539

Please do not send your child without payment as they will not be admitted, and you will be contacted to collect them.



10am-2pm - £10 per child, per day

9am-10am - £5 per child

2pm-3pm - £5 per child


On confirming your child’s place we will ask you to make a £10 deposit. This will pay for your child’s final day. The deposit is refundable up to 14 days before the first day of the club. Should you cancel your booking after this time it will be forfeited.



We appreciate there may be circumstances that mean your child is unable to attend, on these occasions we ask that you notify us before the start of the club that day otherwise you will be charged the full price for the session.


Lunch and Snacks

The children will need to bring a packed lunch with them each day. Our sessions are very active, so we encourage the children to refill their water bottles regularly throughout the day. We break in the morning for a snack between activities. We ask that children do not come with sweets as they will be available as prizes during the day. Chewing gum is not permitted. If you child is staying for Extra Time, please pack a second snack to see them through.


Prizes and Awards

Prizes and awards will be on offer each day. These will include sweet treats and chocolate. If you are uncomfortable with your child having sweets, please let us know at the start of the week and we will make sure there are alternative prizes on offer.


Mobile Phones

We appreciate that some parents would like their child to carry a phone for safety purposes, however we ask that if they are brought into school they remain in the child’s bag during the day.


Emergency Contact
If you need to contact us for any reason during the day you can do so on 07833747876.


Extra Time

Extra time runs from 2pm – 3pm and is available to all children attending the holiday club. The club charge is £5 irrespective of collection time. The summer school closes at 2pm and any parents who have not collected their child by this time may incur an additional charge.

The idea of Extra Time is to allow children to relax after the day session. Children will have a wide variety of activities to choose from including board games, tabletop games, Outdoor activities and Arts and Crafts.

Extra time can be booked at the beginning of the week. If you need extra time on a certain day but have not booked in advance, please let us know when dropping off in the morning and we will book your child in.


Behaviour policy

Our aim is to provide the children with a safe, secure, and a fun environment to spend their holidays in. This is their time, and we are delighted that they have chosen to spend it with us. To ensure that every child has the best possible time we ask that everyone adheres to our behaviour expectations. These will be explained at the beginning of each day but are very similar to the rules the children would be used to at school.

Ø Bad language will not be tolerated, and parents will be notified at the end of the day. If the matter persists it will result in a red card.

Ø Bullying is not accepted and will be dealt with a verbal warning followed by expulsion if the problem persists.

Ø Physical abuse All sports are non-contact and children are asked to keep their hands to themselves.

Ø Racial abuse is not tolerated and will be met with immediate expulsion without a warning.


█ Yellow Card

The yellow card is used to give the children a short break from activities to allow them time to calm down and consider their actions. Parents will be notified at the end of the day if a yellow card has been received.


█ Red Card

A red card is used for excessive bad behaviour and will result in exclusion from the session. If it is felt that the child is a danger to other pupils’ parents will be immediately notified and asked to collect them. The child may be welcome to attend the following day but if problems persist, they will be asked not to return.

We want our clubs to remain fun so ask that children respect instructors and other children.

The children have no obligation to participate in an activity however they will be asked to remain in sight of the coach at all times.


Healthy and Safety


A fire drill will be carried out each week. The children will be made aware of fire safety information during registration each day.


Accident and injury

All coaches are first aid trained. In the event of an accident the children may be treated on site. We will notify parents immediately if we feel an injury is too severe for the children to continue to take part in activities.

Any bumps or scrapes will be treated, and an accident report form will be sent home with the child at the end of the day.

In the case of a serious accident, we will immediately contact the relevant medical services and parents using the emergency contact information provided, please ensure that this is up to date at the time of the club.


The children are welcome to wear what they wish; however, it would be advisable to wear clothes suitable for sports. Jeans can cause the children to become very warm during activities and sandals and flip flops are not suitable.


Allergy and illness


If your child has an allergy or illness, please make us aware when returning the medical consent form. Although food will not be served at the club, please make us aware of any food allergies your child may have. Please be aware that staff are not permitted to administer medicine. If your child does need any medication during the day please make sure it is taken before the start of the club or contact us to arrange a time to come in during the day where you can administer it. If your child suffers from asthma or has an Epi Pen, please hand this to the instructor at the start of the day in a clear plastic bag with their name on.


Covid 19

We are continuing to follow government guidelines. If your child presents with Covid symptoms at any time, please secure a negative PCR result before they returning to the club.


Additional Needs

If your child has any additional needs, please list them on the confirmation form as well as any information you feel we may need to know.



To ensure the safety of the children we ask that only responsible adults over the age of 18 collect them. Please list any names of other adults who may be collecting your child on the confirmation form. We also encourage you to provide other adults with a password which can be used on collection.

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